All That Jazz
I love listening to jazz. For some reason, whenever I play it all my stresses melt away and disappear from my life...until I turn off the music and return to the real world. I just love to close my eyes, drift away from reality and get carried by the unique lyrical and instrumental melodies...rhythmical bassline and percussion...the almost perfect way the notes play off one another. The different instruments work together, yet are still in their own little world...the tenor saxophone singing away, improvising his own tune, yet supported by the soft yet clear beating of the drumset, arpeggio chords and two-octave runs being played by the piano, the harmonization between the trombone and the trumpet...bliss.
Today was a stressful day. I had the case of nerves...knowing that I had an audition right after school. My fingers wouldn't stop tapping the desktop. My leg wouldn't stop shaking - I could not sit still. The biting of my lip may have annoyed some people as I thought about it. Constant blank stares at absolutely nothing were frequent, as my mind wandered off somewhere else. Along with nervousness, I was extremely tired as well. Okay, I am always tired, but today was overwhemling with fatigue. I found myself dozing off every few minutes in English, trying to keep my mind on Crime & Punishment. I even took a brief nap as I was leaning against the window while sitting on top of the heater. My head just found its way to the glass pane and found comfort resting there, deciding that reading a Russian novel wasn't as important than sleeping. I really wish I could get more sleep during the night, instead of at school. I could be sleeping now, but I needed to write...and it wasn't too long ago when I finished my homework.
Deep sigh. I wish I could just live the rest of my life without pesky little complications. I wish I could live a life like a jazz song. Very easy-going, carefree...harmonious and aesthetic...pleasing and perfect.
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