Monday, April 11, 2005

Monday Marvel

Today was what I would call a "Not-So-Typical-Monday". When you first think of Monday, you say to yourself, "Awww...I hate Monday!" Why is it that we hate Mondays? Why is it that a new and fresh beginning of the week is just so depressing for us? An optimistic individual would say that Monday was the day you set yourself on the right foot. A pessimistic view, which tends to be the norm for the majority of the population, would say that Monday is officially the day we start to work again. Thoughts of school, activities, jobs immediately pop into our heads when we think of Monday. Monday...what a depressing word in our society. But for some reason, today was different.

I woke up earlier than I normally would on a school day today. I was in a rather pleasant mood upon waking up, jumped out of bed and began prepping myself for the day. I think I even smiled to myself in the mirror 6:30 this morning, which is not a common thing for me to do when I just awake. I am really not a morning person, I will usually pick fights with people who try to wake me up while I am sleeping. I'm always in a rush in the morning...trying to fix my hair as I do my make up, while pulling a leg through my pair of jeans...but today everything was calm and I had all the time in the world it seemed before I headed out to my black VW beetle to drive to school.

My classes today flew by without any stresses. I found myself giggling alot, cracking jokes with those around me today. Everyone seemed to be in a great mood, and just reflecting on that makes me happy. It makes me realize that there is really no need for people to be so low and diminshed from society...because life is wonderful. I am usually a relatively happy and conscious person...I know that people around me enjoy my company. I may act a bit crazy and unrealistic at times, but I have my feet planted to the ground and have sensible knowledge to keep my sane. Basically, you can say today has been a fairly reasonable and joyous day. A Monday above all other Mondays.

So, if this day has been so well...wouldn't it just make sense to make the rest of the week just as pleasant?


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